What the GB fails to grasp is that pedophilia is a CRIME, not simply in the same class as a sexual misadventure between consenting adults ("sinful" in scriptural terms but entirely legal).
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Some thoughts on the recent BOE letter
by konceptual99 inwith all the recent efforts by the society to stifle publication of their recent boe letter i have been re-reading it and thinking again about some of the consequences of what this letter really means.. i've had some thoughts so am just throwing them out there to see what the rest of you might think.. firstly, i have absolutely no truck with the core issue regarding the lack of disclosure to the authorities when child abuse is suspected or alledged.
although there are very good reasons for the biblical precedant regarding two or more witnesses this really cannot be forced to apply to this issue.
in the time of the mosaic law, the "elders" were the top level of authority - they were the police, judge and jury - responsible for civil, criminal and spiritual matters.
Do you think the WTS is about to change the doctrine about 1914? If so, what are the signs that is under way?
by EdenOne inwhat the title says.
do you think the wts doctrine that says that christ was made king in 1914 is about to change?
if you think that's being orchestrated and prepared, do you see signs of that already?
Room 215
It would be impossible for them to categorically disvow it; I suspect they'll simply progressively cut back on the frequency of references
SkyGreen is no longer one of Jehovahs Witnesses... Why?
by SkyGreen inwow it felt good to type that heading, if only it were officially true!.
i guess i dont want to dwell on "ttatt" too much, though i am now an inactive jw now, and will be forever, i dont want to be defined by that.
but i will certainly keep an eye on this forum, contribute where i feel i can, and i must say thankyou to those who moderate it and keep it running.
Room 215
" The teachings surrounding 1914 are integral to what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe. The destruction of Jerusalem needs to have been in 607 for this to be correct.".... that's only the first of a series of tenuous links to 1914.. the highly dubious connection between widely disparate scriptures, the leap-of-faith "year-for-a-day" notion, etc., etc. .... nicely done, by the way, SG!
BOE call MS for meeting - anything to do with Elders School?
by konceptual99 inlast night all us servants were called to an important and critical meeting next week.
no one would give me a heads up on it.
our boe went to their secret squirrel school on boxing day last week so i can only assume its related to that.
Room 215
" The last emergancy/critical meeting I went to as a MS was about getting the entire circuit to bail out a kingdom hall foreclosure due to an elders fraud..." I bet they turned him over to Caesar in a New York minute... he didn't qualify for the immunity from prosecution they accord pedophiles!
List of UK Travelling Overseers in 2013
by soiledumpling inhi pepeep am attempting to get a current list of uk travelling overseers.
left 4 years ago and have heard rumours of many new ones.
Room 215
Wasted lives, all
So, No Evidence For Solomon... How About The Other OT Superstars?
by Room 215 inso, as we've seen, there is no independent, epigraphical extra-biblical evidence from archeology for solomon; then what about joshua, samuel, joseph, samson, etc., etc.
Room 215
So, as we've seen, there is no independent, epigraphical extra-Biblical evidence from archeology for Solomon; then what about Joshua, Samuel, Joseph, Samson, etc., etc.?
Interesting District Convention News.....
by Pyramid Scheme ini wanted to share some news from a family friend (he is my wt mole - still an elder, hates the shenanigans, but is still hanging on for all the reasons often discussed on this site) i know the various rumors have been discussed on here, and unfortunately the rumor about the conventions being eliminated weren't true!
(what a burden on the jw community - financial hardship for a good portion of them, guilting people into actually quitting their job to attend, physically exhausting for many, etc...etc......).
anyway, he told me that the district convention is being moved to 11 weekends at the jw-owned circuit assembly hall, and they are no longer planning on renting stadiums/large facilities in our area (northern ohio/southern michigan).
Room 215
Thanks, and welcome to the forum!
Good Jehovah's Witnesses don't miss meetings....a fact every good burglar knows.
by Balaamsass ingood jws follow a strict schedule...in fact it is posted in front of the local kingdom hall !
every burglar (and stalker) simply needs to note down meeting times, and follow a few attendees home..and then wait till next week........ we were victims, were you ?
readfield man pleads guilty to robbing homes of jehovah's witnesses while they are at church.
Room 215
" The prosecutor said the victims considered the 27-year-old Bilodeau family." ... so it appears the burglar likely was a JW, no?
Watchtower Corporation's new Real Estate business venture?
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite insince the watchtower publishing business has gone down the crapper, how can the gb keep bringing in the money?
they only have a limited amount of brooklyn property and international branches to sell, so their real estate sales business can't last long... or can it?
this video by betty bowers of the landover baptist church may be similar to an idea that could keep wt rolling in cash for decades.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro1e3ieykfq.
Room 215
... and they could resolve any disputes over which dubbie gets which mansion by applying the old seniority policy for rooms they use at Bethel
Are JW'S "hated" in all the world? Or...are they considered IRRELEVANT?
by Terry inwathctower 90/1/1 p. 12 par.
8 not ashamed of the good news .
while it is true that jehovahs witnesses are hated and opposed in all the nations of the earth, this is in fulfillment of what was foretold to be an identifying mark of genuine worshipers of the one living and true god.
Room 215
Their outmoded dress code, facial hair prohibitions, etc. makes them appear to outsiders to be stuck in a time warp, increasingly marginalized from society at large